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A life-changing journey

Youth is the time of our lives when we search for an identity in order to find ourselves. We are searching for someone to be and somewhere to fit in. Everyone wants to be a part of a group, something bigger. In our early youth we start creating an ideal picture of our own future and we start a complex journey towards it. However, this journey could be hard. It is not always easy to handle the pressure from everyone around and to stand up for ourselves. In the early teenage years, we are so vulnerable, insecure and doubtful as we try to fit in somewhere and be someone. All we need is just someone who supports us and accepts us for who we really are.

It was when I was confusingly searching for someone to be, an identity, that Elin came into my life. She became my other half. If I would be running down the corridor with tears streaming down my cheeks, she would be the one running after me trying to make everything okay. If I would get into a conflict, she would be the one taking my side. 

We had a very beautiful bond with each other. I was so amazed by her candor and determination. It was fascinating how she always expressed her opinions without worrying for what others may think. No one could get her down. Our personalities could often differ from each other. However, simultaneously our values were the same in many situations.

 We did not want to sit on some park bench that cold and raw October night drinking. Elin and I were the opposite to the stereotypical teenager. We preferred spending afternoons drinking English breakfast tea while playing different board games and taking long walks in beautiful parks. People probably thought we were boring, but that was fine because we had each other. A period that first seemed to be so    hard and complicated did not seem so anymore, because I had Elin. 

We both found a security in each other. When people fell for peer pressure, we had the courage to resist. We did not need to prove something or to be someone else in order to fit in. We grew strong together and learned to go our own way. Alone, we were so weak, but together we were so powerful. I felt so confident and I was not scarred to be myself anymore.

Five years ago, we were two lost souls trying to figure out what person we wanted to be. By the age of 18 years, I feel like I have found myself, at least for now. There is a serenity surrounding me and I feel complete and proud. There is no fear for expressing my opinions and go my own way, thanks to Elin. I have learned that only the dead fish follows the stream. 


  1. I can't begin to tell you how much your maturity impresses us all - thank you for sharing your remarkable introspections.


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