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My Summer Paradise

My summer paradise, my island, it is a place with more memories than I can count to. From playing barefoot in the dew filled grass to sneaking out late in the warm summer haze, and everything in between. My place is filled with peace and silence, rather than a busy morning pace and the noisy afternoon city traffic. It is a place where everything stays as it always has been, day after day, year after year, a place where the time stopped decades ago.

I am sitting on the grey colored cliff feeling the warm sand-soft stone against my hands, while overviewing the Baltic Sea. Waves are swinging slowly. The cool evening breeze fans my bleached hair. Freckles cover my sun-kissed face. It smells summer to me, a smell hard to explain, however it is the most nostalgic one ever. The flourishing lilacs, the salty seawater and the freshly cut grass. Taking a deep breath, inhaling the moment, feels refreshing. The air feels so clear, free from the traffic-pollution and the city dust. Just clean, simple oxygen.

21:45 pm. It is close to dusk. However simultaneously, only a few hours from dawn too. The too long days, the too short nights, something that is very typical for the Nordic summer.  Many layers clothes to prevent the itching mosquito bites cover my tanned body. The sky is colored bright orange with a touch of pink. In the horizon, the sun is slowly starting to set behind the islands of the archipelago. Seagulls fly high, moving their wings, up and down, softly. Their rants interrupt the calm silence surrounding me. It is rather noise to my ears than a smooth symphony, however I acutely enjoy it.

Once again I glance over the glistening sea. The deep blue water surrounds the small islands in front of me. The islands are plotted with red picturesque cottages and statuesquely standing oaks. The red cottages, it could not be more traditional. Some motorboats are buzzing in the background. They give a peaceful and calm sound, almost a little bit drowsy. The sun is almost set beyond the horizon as the sky starts to change color. From light pink, to very bright orange, to in only a couple of seconds pastel blue. Now the water is so still that everything reflects in it; the cliffs, the oaks and the seagulls flying low in hopes of some bass for dinner. My summer paradise, my island.


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